"Jäätyneen veden sylistä ei voi irrottautua."
Suuri järvi - Digersjön

Image from Epilogue Rotterdam

Saine Ensemble

Saine Ensemble collaborates with various professionals in the fields of art and science. The starting point for Saine Ensemble’s work is that each professional participates in the implementation of the project from start to finish. The projects are carried out in a multi-discliplinary, committed and sustainable manner.

The productions combining dance, music, movie and sound and visual art are often situated within cultural environments which have been shaped by people and nature and their interaction with and dependence on one another.

Vaeltaja–Vagabond image

4 Power of Fragility, Creative Europe Project 2023–2025. Kuva Josep Tobella

The productions are located in multiple exceptional locations, such as an abandoned mine, raised bog and a flowing river. The dialogue is born out many voices involving art, science and research.

Performances and events are filmed and transformed into short movies and documentaries.

Creative Europe Project 2023–2025

CREAtive REsilience shapers
2023/25 Grant Agreement n° 101095029 - CREA-RE

The CREA-RE project wants to create an international and sustainable network of artists, organizations and festivals, offering more opportunities for personal and professional development to young artists with fewer opportunities (mental and physical disabilities, migratory background, geographical obstacles), awareness and public at local level on the importance of social inclusion and environmental sustainability.

CREA-RE, Fiskars

4 Power of Fragility, Promootio video

EU Co-Funded logoCREARE logoCREARE logoCREARE logoCREARE logo

Sensing Water, teaser

Saine Ensemble showreel

Saine dance image
Saine Ensemble logo

Puhelin: +358 40 516 8705

Sähköposti: sainesaineensemble.fi

Y-tunnus: 1765474-8

2022–2025, Saine Ensemble